Submitting Absence Notes By Way of Email
Parents and guardians may now submit absence notes to the school as an email attachment.
Please make sure to send only absence notes to the email address listed below associated with your school.
Please ensure that the absence note includes the date of the absence, the student's name, the student's grade level, the reason for the absence, and the parent/guardian's signature.
Everyone received a link to our updated attendance protocol when completing back to school forms through Parent Portal. Here it is again: https://fannincs.schoolinsites.com/attendance
Please note this year's change: Ten absences per semester may be excused by parent/guardian notes. After ten parent/guardian notes are submitted in one semester, guardians must obtain a medical excuse or the absence may not be excused.
Email Addresses for Electronic Absence Notes
Blue Ridge Elementary School | bresnotes@fannin.k12.ga.us |
East Fannin Elementary School | efesnotes@fannin.k12.ga.us |
West Fannin Elementary School | wfesnotes@fannin.k12.ga.us |
Fannin County Middle School | fcmsnotes@fannin.k12.ga.us |
Fannin County High School | fchsnotes@fannin.k12.ga.us |