FCSS Information Hotline
706-946-FCSS (3277)
The Fannin County School System maintains an information line to keep you informed. The number is easy to remember:
706-946-FCSS (3277).
When an emergency automated call is initiated by the district to announce a closing, delay, unscheduled release, or other urgent matter, the information line is also updated. Should you miss details from an emergency automated call, you may dial 706-946-FCSS to receive the same basic information.
If school is ever cancelled or dismissed early for any reason, it will be announced on local TV and radio stations, and an automated call will be launched to the contact telephone number on file for your child. If your contact information ever changes, please be sure to update your child’s school as soon as possible so you will continue to receive communications from the school and the district.
In addition, it is important for your family to have a plan so that both your child and the school know what to do should school ever dismiss early.