FCHS Work-Based
What is Work-Based Learning?
- A course offered at the high school for credit
- Register for WBL or see Mr. Gibbs for more information
- Complete an application for WBL
- Students leave school after 1st, 2nd or 3rd block and go to work
- Work-Based Learning Goals
- Gain skills in the workplace
- Gain and enhance employability skills
- Gain valuable work experience to use on resumes and applications
Why Should You Take Work-Based Learning?
- Gain real-world experience
- Receive school credit for going to work!
- Enhance skill development
- Possibly earn money!!!
- Have fun! Hands-on work!
- Can take WBL and earn credit
- 1, 2, or 3 blocks each semester
- Sophomore, Junior and Senior
- On track to finish a pathway
- Good attendance and discipline record
- Have room for an elective credit
- Have your own transportation
For more information, please contact:
Bubba Gibbs
Work-Based Learning
Youth Apprenticeship
Fannin County High School
Career, Technical and Agricultural Education
300 Rebel Circle
Blue Ridge, GA 30513